According To Science, Having A Sister Makes You A Better Person!


Most brother-sister pairs share a love-hate relationship, at least in their growing years. Heck, I share a love-hate relationship with my brother even today. But at the end of the day, we’ve got each other’s backs and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

To every brother out there who is lucky to have a sister but refuses to accept, acknowledge or believe it – science has proved that having a sister makes you become a better person.

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According to a report in Huffington Post, sisters help you become a better person by teaching you compassion, empathy, honing your interpersonal skills and communication skills – all at the same time.

The study, which was published in the Journal of Family Psychology shows that sisters can help boost your mental health and self-esteem.

Jensen said,

“What we know suggests that sisters play a role in promoting positive mental health and later in life they often do more to keep families in contact with one another after the parents pass.”

This helps the sibling to not feel unloved, lonely, fearful or insecure.

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A study from the Brigham Young University suggests that sisters help make you more compassionate, kind and giving.

Laura Padilla-Walker, a professor in BYU’s School of Family Life, said,

“If siblings get in a fight, they have to regulate emotions. That’s an important skill to learn for later in life.”

Coming to the best part, sisters also help you develop your interpersonal skills and communication skills.

“Research has found that brothers who grew up with sisters are better at communicating with women than those who were only children or only have brothers.”

So that girl you’ve been trying to talk to and you finally did, turns out, you learn that from your sister too.

Lastly, sisters also teach you to be independent, ambitious and achieve a balance in life.

If you’re going to be asking me WHY or HOW sisters are capable of teaching all these things and not brothers, then here’s the answer.

It has everything to do with ’emotional expression’.

“Women open up channels of communication and it becomes a much more expressive situation and that’s positive. Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families.”

So every time you called your sister ‘rotlu’ or the next time you get annoyed with a girl being expressive of her emotions, remember, they’re teaching you important life skills.

Now go give your sister a big hug, bros. LIKE NOW.

Cover Image Courtesy: Excel Entertainment

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