12 Reasons Why We’ll Always Have A Love-Hate Relation With Our School

School days definitely make for the most pleasant season of our lives. Be it the days that we got in ugly fights, or the times when our talents were duly appreciated and awarded, that season was, and will always be the most colourful of all.

While you might have your own personal memories behind hating or loving your school times, following listed are the ones that almost all of us felt strongly about.

1. The 8 to 2 timings

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How much we complained back then about the school hours taking an eternity to get over! What do you have to say now? Karma playing its evil games with you now, isn’t it?


2. For some of us, waking up that early wasn’t even a big deal.

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We just had to mark ourselves present and then head to the medical room, where the beds were always too comforting.

All jokes apart, it’s our school days that should be rightly credited with whatever basic good habits that stayed in us. That, and of course, the flying chappals our parents gave us when we failed in keeping up with all things schooly.


3. There used to be something called ‘vacation’

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Hail, the best thing about the schools- VACATIONS.

Yes, cry a river over the fact that you sometimes have to work even on Sundays now!


4. Although home assignments were always a gigantic buzzkill

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Thanks to some generous classmates, they were also fun at the same time.


5. Wearing uniform wasn’t liked by all of us and turned most of us into rebels

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Because we added style to whatever regular we wore. Regular salwars became patiala salwars, the pants of guys slipped lower, gigantic wrist watches adored hands of both boys and girls, and many such style statements were made during school days.

Admit it, it was your school that brought out the style experimenter in you.


6. The weekly P.T. sessions, we cursed big time

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They did follow ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, quite religiously. And thank God for those sessions, because if it were otherwise, we would have grown into real dull Shreyas and Rahuls.


7. We sure wished the recess hours to be longer

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But, be it playing football with plastic bottles or gazing at your crush in the corridor, we never failed to live those 20-30 minutes to the fullest. Also, it was the strict time restrictions of the school that made us realize the value of good organizational skills.

Don’t you secretly hate it now when you eat your 12 o’ clock meal at 4 in the evening? :/


8. The groupism was annoying to the limit, though.

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The group of the queen bee and her butterflies, the bratty jocks, the spectacle babies, the aloof ones, the troublemakers, the rumour makers, etc.; everyone hated everyone from the other group.


9. But, hit the exam season, and they all united.

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Yes, queen bees actually borrowed notebooks from the spectacle babies they otherwise made immense fun of. 😀


10. School was the time when we first learned what being recognized actually felt like

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11. And no matter how hard or fun it was, we all hated when it was the last time to be in those corridors where memories were made.

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…When it was time to bid the final goodbye to the building we giggled, cried, studied, bunked, and endured punishment in.

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12. School days taught us, grew us, they shaped us a lot into what we are today.

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And, if only we could weigh memories, school days will win hands down.

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