What Have We Done? These 15 Pics Of Earth’s Sorry State Are A Warning Sign We Can’t Unsee.


We, humans, are utterly selfish and don’t deserve to be on this planet at all. There I said it!

As harsh it may sound, it is the truth. What have we made of this lovely planet? Scarred it, dirtied it, over-utilised its resources and as a scavenger ate the planet out bit by bit. So, much that, we have spoilt Mother Earth for our future generations. Our ancestors saw a different face of the planet, we saw (and see) a degraded one and generations to come would see a much worse face and phase!

It is high-time, we started caring for the environment we live in because Earth (when personified) is really sad. And, we are not making it up. Here are the pictures of ‘Sad Earth’ that should ring the alarm, out loud.

1. Is this the picture of a great America, we want to see?


2. Humans are encroachers, encroaching every piece of land.


3. Just look at those ‘sad eyes’.


4. Until when can this lovely planet of ours bear the burden?


5. Not sure how happy that meal was.


6. That’s how Earthie, feels!


7. Save the earth, else those eyes will haunt you forever.


8. Our planet is indeed suffering from a bad case of humans!


9. Old age hit our planet real bad.


10. Poor Earth even gets bullied by other planets.


11. We all should join hands and nurse our ailing environment.


12. Ah, that cry for help! ?


13. We shouldn’t ignore this. It is high-time we shall act. Else, our lovely planet will be forever doomed.


15. That’s a vision we shall keep in mind and work for a better, safe and a happy planet.

It’s a warning sign we inhabitants shouldn’t unsee. ?

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