Designer Sabyasachi’s Kolkata Home Is Full Of Beauty And Perfection. Just Like His Clothes!

Have you ever wondered if the houses of fashion designers are as meticulous and beautiful as the clothes they make? And if the interiors of their abode show as much perfection as their designs? Then here’s a sneak peek into noted designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s Kolkata house, and let me tell you, I am awestruck.

1. Designer Sabyasachi who is a private man finally opened the door to his beautiful house.




3. A dressing table from 1960 with potted plants.


4. Writing desks and dining tables set with crockery from Kalighat.




6. The staircase made of granite, marble and plaster.




8. Art from the Sabyasachi Art Foundation and works by Dhruvi Acharya in the dining room.




10. Old books, perfume bottles and plants adorn the house everywhere.




12. A masculine bedroom with minimalistic arrangements and ajrakh bedlinen.


13. A mixture of furniture from Russel Exchange, Kolkata and Mukherjee’s paternal home.

He said, “Many of my friends haven’t even been in my flat. How do you know it’s fit for AD?” he wanted to know. But I did know. Once you encounter the unique retail experiences he’s created at his stores, and if you’ve paid attention to the precise detailing of his clothes, you know.”

Marvelous, isn’t it? Makes you wish your future home is like this.

Source: Architectural Digest

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