15 Women Confess What Is The Most Romantic Gift They’ve Received From Their Boyfriends

Who doesn’t love gifts?

They are like those little or in some case huge thoughtful bundles of joy that make us believe that the people who love us not only care but also know us inside out. In a Reddit thread, women were asked to write about what is the most romantic gift they’ve got from their boyfriends. And their answers are all sorts of unique and romantic. Read along.

1. Freshman year of college.

When I was I was a freshman in college, i had been flirting with one of the guys who lived on my floor. I had mentioned that I’d never been on a proper date before with my previous boyfriends. It was always ‘lets go hang out at the mall with our friends’. One night he told me to dress up, and that we were going on a date. Considering we lived on campus and neither of us had cars, I was seriously confused. After walking halfway to the parking lot, he said he had forgotten something in his room. So we went all the way back. We got to my room, and I noticed a sign had been put on it something like ‘ristorante’. We went in and apparently all of our friends in the dorms transformed my room into a mini restaurant complete with candlelight, soft music, and spaghetti & meatballs. To this day, it was the best gift I’ve ever received.



2. You can’t be sad when you’re holding a rubber duckie.

One time I was late to a rehearsal that I had completely forgotten was even on my schedule and I ran all the way there weeping because I was so scared of being fired for being unprofessional. (It ended up being fine, I just got reprimanded a bit.)
After rehearsal was over, I walked out of the building and he had shown up to pick me up. He had gotten me a piece of chocolate cake from the grocery store and a rubber duckie because “You can’t be sad when you’re holding a rubber duckie.”



3. Not one, but many gifts!

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My fiancé had to travel for a year and this would have been the first time we were apart. So he spent weeks putting together a box of gifts that would tide me through till the next time I saw him. Each gift was spritzed with my favourite cologne of his. & there was a note with a reason to be opened on each, such as “on a cold winter morning” (which was a pair of beautiful j.crew leather gloves) or on our anniversary. Although the gifts themselves were amazing, I was more blown away by how much thought he had put in to it.



4.Little handwritten notes, with a twist. 

Favorite present from my now husband was when we first started dating. He wrote down dates and places of different things we had done together on little pieces of paper and put them in a little jar… i.e. ‘first kiss – 9/8/14 Hibernian Cafe’. It was adorable. I still have it and read through it sometimes.



5. It was in the little things.

There’s the big things; for my birthday he organised taking me to the New Forest in a luxury hotel, with treatments organised, someone to babysit the kids and all our meals taken care of and organised. Total surprise, phoned my boss and dealt with the time off, packed my case and just took me for a drive. Was totally amazing and when we got there, a bottle of champagne chilling on the table which was the same brand we had on our wedding day.
But the little things; he gets out of bed before me to put the heating on and brings me a cup of tea each morning. He regularly surprises me with flowers, just supermarket ones most often when he’s been out picking things up, or my favourite magazine (which is like £1; I love it because it has puzzles in the back that I can actually do), a dessert for just us to share when our beastly children have gone to bed, a bottle of wine because it had a funny picture on the front, or rather, he annotates the bottle with his own artwork (dicks, he draws dicks usually)… they mean everything and make me feel like he cares about me.



6. I will be there for you!

We were once out walking at night and I saw someone suddenly approaching us very deliberately and quickly. I of course did the natural thing to do when one is startled by another person, screamed loudly and jumped backwards a good 5 feet.
Turns out it was just our reflections in a shop window.
He got me a mirror for my birthday with “Don’t be Scared” written on it.



7. A man knows what his woman likes.

While not traditionally romantic, my SO took care of all of my little needs when I was overseas for two weeks. Gas tank filled, apartment spotless, laundry done, plus a bottle of my favorite wine waiting for us. I was so blown away by all of attention to detail!



8. Cheap Thrills, huh?

He took me to an arcade and bought me like $100 worth of tokens and we played the same game for hours and then bought lots of the little cheap prizes. I still have them all, including a little mood ring with hearts on it, and a lamp that’s a shark that lights up different colors.



9. You never lose everything. Just keep looking.

For my high school graduation, my parents got me this frame that had the letters cut out to spell out the name of my high school.
It was one of my favorite things in my bedroom but two years later, my house burned to the ground and I lost everything. For my birthday after that happened, my college boyfriend handmade another frame like the one my parents got me, but spelled out the name of our college. It was definitely one of the top presents he’s ever gotten me in the past 8 years of our relationship.



10. Quite a charmer, this one.

A battle axe for our anniversary.



11. For the memories.

So, my first real boyfriend was an amazing man that listened to me and really cared about me. I like to tell stories about how my brothers and I grew up. One day I mentioned that every Christmas, I would fall asleep to the sound of my dad watching Monster Truck Jam on TV. Partly because of that memory, I love monster trucks. My boyfriend bought us tickets to go see them in person. He hated monster trucks. He hated the noise, the crowd, everything. But every year for my birthday, he bought tickets and took me to see them. It’s unique and romantic because I don’t know of many guys willing to forgo their own comfort like that for someone else. And he listened to me and surprised me with something that he knew would mean a lot to me. :’) That goofball.



12. A thoughtful proposal.

My husband is the romance master, but the way he proposed was the best. He went a bought a copy of a board game I wanted and opened it, placed the ring box inside and then went to Movie Trading Company and asked them to reseal the box for him. He says that the manager actually came out and shook his hand he was so impressed with the idea. That evening he gave me the game for my birthday. I had had a long day at the job I hated and I was very unenthusiastic. I just wanted to smoke a bowl and have a drink. So I took the box, said thank you and tried to move on. His friend who was there told me “there’s extra stuff in the box, limited edition!” I rolled my eyes and opened the box, started to look at a few things and set it down again. Friend again gave me a little push to keep digging and finally I saw the ring box, my brain dismissed it at first, then I looked again and girly squeal and queue tears. It was amazing.



13. Cutest!

My boyfriend goes to a big university, and I go to the little college right next to it. He knows how much I love my college (it’s the only thing that has helped me get through life) but not a lot of people even know it exists. He bought me a book of their history, read it beforehand and gave it to me. It meant a lot, because he took the time to learn more about something that I am so passionate about.



14. Traveling the world and making the journey through life. 

For my last birthday, my boyfriend got me a big world map for our apartment to put on the wall. Attached to this were photos of us in all the places we had traveled together and then labels for all of the places we want to go. We have done some wonderful trips together so far so there were a lot of my favorite pictures up there. The card was simple and just said “to my favorite person and travel partner, I can’t wait share more memories with you and add to this map as time goes on. I love you.”



15. A keeper, this one.

Late to the party! But my Boyfriend wrote me a program for a “complement machine.” Anytime I was feeling down I could open the program, and hit a button for either a memory or complement. The memories were little moments of us like, “remember that time when we went on a walk, and you got scared by the raccoon? I really liked holding you in the dark.” Compliments were things like, “You look so beautiful today, and I don’t even need to see you to know.”
Gee, I really love that guy.


Aren’t these the most romantic gestures you’ve ever come across?

Inspired much? Well, I thought so.

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