Blogger Shares A ‘Rock Test’ That’s Actually Helping Men To Treat Women With Respect!

We need to talk about sexual harassment.

Because not talking about it out in the open is what lets the Harvey Weinsteins of the world to get away with harassing the women they share professional relations with.

But you ask, what can we say that hasn’t already been said? Well, this woman’s blog post on Medium is the answer you’ve been waiting for.

Blogger Anne Victoria Clark, a writer from New York City, has shared a rather unique ‘hack’ for men to to steer clear of sexual harassment. Her advice? Treat all women like you would treat Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Did you just go all “Ummm… WHAT?” Same, folks. Same.

But wait till you read what she has to say because, believe us, it all makes so much sense!

Titled ‘The Rock Test: A Hack for Men Who Don’t Want To Be Accused of Sexual Harassment’, Clark shares some pretty brilliant ways to tackle three professional situations where men might be tempted to get a little too close for comfort with their female colleagues.

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Now, mind you, these situations are pretty relatable and can occur at almost any kind of organisation. You see a female colleague, find her attractive, don’t listen to the part of your brain that filters wrong from right, and everything goes downhill from there on.

Next thing you know, you’ve been accused of sexual harassment and you don’t know what you did wrong. Wait! Of course you do. YOU were being an ASSHOLE.

But thanks to Clark’s excellent solution, you now know how to avoid this: simply take a minute, clear your head and imagine every female employee, coworker, junior, and acquaintance as Dwayne Johnson.

How does that help, you ask? Your whole perception of hers changes radically! Clark explains,

“She looks like a person who is working very hard to achieve her goals, having left behind a situation that clearly wasn’t working, headed for bigger and better things. Maybe ask her about that? But definitely don’t hit on her. It looks like she could kill you with the chair you’re sitting on.”

If you’re wondering how effective this hack is, there’s a pretty big number of people who think it totally rocks!

The post has received 56,000 ‘Claps,’ (Medium’s version of ‘Likes’) since it was written on October 9th. And what’s more, many people on Twitter and some celebs have endorsed it too.

1. We ain’t a piece of meat! No sir!

2. When Queen Jo says your article is wonderful, who’s gonna argue ha?

3. Houston, we have a problem!

4. Do you think about The Rock? No, you only think about yourself!

Of course, what makes this hack 100% legit is that Dwayne Johnson, the man, The Rock, the legend, himself has been singing its praise!

A big thank you to Anne Victoria Clark for this refreshing perspective on a grave and rampant subject like sexual harassment!

Dear men folk, now you know what you’ve got to do to keep those unwarranted sexual urges in check. So please keep those ogling stares, touchy-feely hands and suggestive sexual innuendos to yourselves.

The Rock ain’t got time for your shit!

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