Hero Digs Up People’s Tweets From 5 Years Ago Just To Remind Them Of The Randomest Stuff Ever!

If you asked five years ago where I’d be today, I would have told you that I’d be studying to be an Assistant Professor of English in a college, while rocking a hot physique which would get #workoutgoals on Instagram. Clearly, none of that happened. (Yay self-deprecation!)

Maybe, I will be better at keeping my life goals straight if only I had someone to remind me of them.

Well, our prayers have been answered because a Twitter user who goes by the handle ‘brady zipoffs’ has taken it upon himself to remind people of the goals they set for themselves five years ago with the caption,

He shared them on his Twitter and they’ll make you want a ‘brady’ in your life too. He will remind you of all the trivial things you promised yourself you would do.

1. Even I’m dying to know now!

2. Remember Amber?

3. Do I sniff a Potterhead here?

4. He put in some serious work into this!

5. Yeah, thank God for that!

6. Hope he doesn’t have one already. That would be awkward!

7. Would love to know where he is!

8. He finally got a reply, y’all! Why am I so excited about this tho?

See, don’t you wish for a person like that? Go ahead, tweet your life goals for five years from now, who knows our new superhero might just come to your rescue!

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