These Cute Comics About How Funny Relationships Can Be Are Totally Relatable!

Relationships are funny. There are certain quirks that, many times, you may fail to notice but are ever-present when you’ve spent enough time with your significant other. And it’s sometimes these very quirks that make the relationship all the more adorable.

Catana, a Saratoga Springs-based artist, through her comics cleverly illustrates some of the most common relationship quirks that many of us will definitely find relatable:

1. Yup, 6 months in, the strangest things start to feel normal.


2. Oh, ever had this difficult conversation? 


3. Could you BE any more obvious… or adorable?


4. Yes, the fear is real!


5. Admit it, we all have that one friend who’s pet’s a priority.


6. Because dirty jokes are always funnier, together. 


7. We love to pamper you! 


8. I don’t care if we’ve been dating for a year, that’s still cute!


9. We’re sorry, it’ll grow back. Promise!


10. Best. Feeling. Ever.

So how many of these could you actually relate to? Many of them go unnoticed, right?

My personal favourite was #6!

H/T: Boredpanda

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