21 Cutesy Comics That Prove Love Is About The Small Things

There’s a beauty in real relationships that I personally think isn’t there even in the epic tales on the big screen. Real life couples fight, argue, love and stick together and that’s what makes their relationship stronger.

This comic artist, Jason from Jason & Ymei (J&K) Productions used his skills to draw the most adorable moments he has seen in life. Most are illustrations of precious times he shared with his girlfriend and others are daily adulting struggles.

1. Do you want both? No, that is a little too greedy of you.

2. He’s nailed it!

3. It’s a very long line, darling.

4. Thoughts and plans, haven’t we all been there.

5. This has got to be the best feeling, ever!

6. Always waiting to grow up. *sigh*

7. Off…iiii…ceee… Can we not Monday today?

8. Perfection!

9. The anxiety is real.

10. The way to a woman’s heart…

11. My heart is melting.

12. That went from 0 to 100 really quickly.

13. Those are the perfect days (with a cup of chai of course.)

14. *poke poke*

15. Oops, that didn’t work out.

16. True story. *raises glass*

17. Those koala bear hugs, I mean c’mon!

18. I see what you did there.

19. Muah muah muah x100

20. Always the best entertainment!

21. They’re multipurpose.

Okay, these comics have already made me miss my boo way too much. So, I’m running off for a cuddle with him and showering him with kisses. I suggest you do the same. And if you’re single, your friends are always there to hug! After all, it’s the month of love!

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