These Adorable Comics About Long-Term Relationships Will Simply Make You Go ‘Aww!’

A few weeks ago, we introduced you guys to a cartoonist, Catana Chetwynd, who illustrated everyday life with her boyfriend by means of short comics. They were so elegantly simple and caused a laugh riot.

Seeing the virality of her first series of comics, Catana decided to pen down a few more and they’re equally hilarious. Check it out:

1. I can totally imagine the pain.


2.”What’re you lookin’ at?”


3. Not a morning person then?


4. That’s really cute.


5. I like that level of comfort. 


6. Sitting together in solitude is absolute bliss.


7. Direct. I like.


8. For all the dog lovers out there. 🙂


9. Surprise! 


10. Sometimes, she just wants all your clothes. 😛


11. Jaadu ki jhappi!


12. Aww!


13. Odd, but okay. 😛


14. Just perfect. 🙂


15. Haha, so true! 😛


16. Inappropriate jokes are the best!

Every relationship goes through a picture perfect honeymoon phase with all the mushy flowers, poems, bells and whistles. However, the real magic begins when you’ve moved past that. When you don’t need to dress up, show off or even shower when the two of you are hanging out. Simply, blissful!

H/T: Boredpanda

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