15 People Share The Most Insensitive Thing Someone Has Said To Them And It’s Heartbreaking

Sometimes, someone says something that hits right where it hurts. And, at times people have a verbal diarrhoea moment with such insensitivity that it baffles me.

We chanced upon a Reddit thread that was discussing the insensitive things people has ever said to them. And, the answers will sadden you, deeply.

1. It hurt him more because he already had an internal struggle about being adopted.


2. It was 16 years ago, and she’s yet to forgive her friend for it.


3. That hurts so much. So damn much!


4. One should always think twice before commenting on someone else’s life.


5. Her dad didn’t believe her at first. But, after hearing the recording, he broke up with that girlfriend of his.


6. That was such a cold reply.


7. How can someone say that to anyone? EVER!


8. Get over it? Really? Her mom even tries to get her together with him for family get-togethers.


9. Good she broke up with that prick!


10. Was that girl even listening to herself, while saying this?


11. Better not to have such a waste of guy as a friend.


12. Friends like them should be banned from existence.


13. If being raped was not horrifying enough, people make such horrid victim-blaming statements.


14. Down goes the aim of gender equality. So, merit plays absolutely no role in a woman’s success?


15. He also added that it was his mother’s misguided way of being overprotective. And, now he has a “smoking hot wife”.

The people closest to us hurt us the most and their words cut sharper and deeper.

Poster Courtesy: Sachin Kaushik

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