Here’s Why I Do Not Want To Have Kids In Today’s World

Yeah, I said it. Now close your gaping mouths and listen as to why I would want to go against my own biological programming of passing my genes into an offspring and leaving behind my “legacy”.

1. Overpopulation

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The world is getting dense. There are just too many people out there. Just go to Mumbai and travel in a local train over there, and try to get out of the local without rubbing your face on a sweaty armpit of a man who is GOING to his office, and I will be impressed. Cities are getting bustled and just too crowded. People may love the city life, but I do not understand the happiness people get out of getting stranded in traffic for two hours. And if I am bringing a kid into this world, the kid after 20 years will be another guy honking the shit out of everyone in the traffic.

The world needs to get roomier, and people shouldn’t have vacation homes to escape the crowds.


2. Limited Resources

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As we breed like rabbits spiked with libido-boosting drugs, we are creating an acute shortage of resources – for everyone. The future generations will have it much more difficult. The counter-argument to this is that the human race will always come up with novel ways to pacify our needs using the shitty quote – necessity is the mother of invention. But the fact remains this – the more people you get on the planet the lesser resources you leave.

It’s like just because everyone in my generation was free to have as many kids, my grandkid will suffer because there simply isn’t enough to go around.

Why do you think dystopian literature and movies are the IN thing today?


3. It is a hard, hard world

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It is cold hard logic. If the population is increasing exponentially, and the resources are limited, everyone cannot have a happy life. It just isn’t possible. Look at the state we are in today. Organic vegetables are considered a luxury. The same vegetables our grandparents had in abundance without crying about prices. Even a rise in onion prices, leaves the country in a sense of tension, as to why is it happening. Is it illegal hoarding? Or is it because of bad weather that destroyed the crops?

The point is, it is just going to get tougher. I do not want to bring in a kid who has to work hard to get good food. It should be a basic right, good health that is.


4. The environment

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I have been fortunate in my life to have walked in tropical forests, listened to birds chirping, monkeys playing, snakes slithering and frogs croaking. I have lived in a place where all this was a daily sight in the monsoons, where scorpions dropping from the ceilings was a daily incident and seeing wild bulls and boars in the wild was very normal. Crabs would pockmark the virgin earth with their many burrows and lakes were pristine to the point that you could drink right from it at the shore.

Everything has changed in the past 10 years and I do not see the beauty in nature anymore at my hometown. This was because they had to build an expressway and now the people are better connected and the town is ‘developed’. The people have gotten richer, but is that the marker for a better quality of life? Do I want my kid to have never known what true greenery looked like, or breathe more smoke than air?

I thought clean air and water were better indicators of quality of life.

Oh wait, you can buy air conditioners and water purifiers if you have enough money. My mistake.


Now let’s get to the more selfish reasons…

5. Incomplete lives

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I want to travel the world. It is such a cliche, but yeah, I want to. How do I do that with a kid? There just won’t be enough money.

I want to learn new things, maybe learn a new profession altogether. I cannot do that, because with a kid comes financial responsibility. No more reckless life decisions, and fulfillment of personal aspirations.


6. The financial cost

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Kids are expensive. From the time they are born, I have to spend on their food clothing and education. All of which are getting horribly expensive by the day. You could spend the amount in making your life better.

Not to mention, if I am healthy and my sperm is healthy I have the choice to bring in the child anytime in the future. Shouldn’t I spend my time to live life to my fullest, making my life better so that when I do get the feeling of getting a baby, the baby will have a complete and wiser father and a much more comfortable life?


7. The lack of social lives

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Not that I am particularly social, but I aspire to be. A baby needs time, love and a lot of attention if you want him sane later in life that is. I could have spent that time making friends and improving my social viability. But now I am stuck with responsibilities that take most of my time.


Now for the really trivial reasons…

8. They do not have toilet etiquette

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They poop in their diapers, the smell is bad enough to knock out a rhino. You will never be able to enjoy fine cuisine anymore because your palate is destroyed.

And then you have to clean it after you change the diapers and sometimes they just poop while you are cleaning and that’s when shit gets real.


9. Projectile puke

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Babies are hungry all the time. Also, they do not know when to stop. And when they eat too much, they puke in a projectile, like their mouth is a firehose. And they are hungry all over again.


10. They destroy your sleep cycles

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I like to sleep for 8 hours. 8 hours of uninterrupted, blissful sleep. I do not want a baby wailing in the middle of the night and break my peaceful slumber. It is as simple as that.


And for the most serious one…

11. I have to bring them up right

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You have to teach them values, you have to teach them responsibility and make them able humans who can fend for themselves. And there is a good chance they will screw up and end as complete failures. The horror.

Let’s say I do submit and due to biological instincts built in me, I decide to have one. I do not think people really realize the scope of responsibility here. The kid has to be brought up right, so he does not become a sociopath or a dictator or a murderer or an evil scientist.

That kid has endless possibilities of a future – bright and dark. Will I be able to live with myself, if I made just one mistake while raising him/her and that screwed up their life so bad, that they seek revenge on everything. Because I was completely unprepared for raising a kid, the kid suffers through life resenting me and humanity.

I do not want that. If I do, I want to be wise beyond my years to take up the responsibility of bringing a life on an already heavy planet.

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