Take This Reality Check To See How Much You’ve Matured In The Last 5 Years!

We all mature with time. You are literally going to be smarter than you are today, simply because you are going to be more experienced. All of us want to become wiser and not repeat the same mistakes over and over again, not fall into the same trap and not make friends with the wrong people.

But, how are you going to figure out if you have matured or not?

Well, we have a set of eight situations ready for you. Pick your answer and see if you have actually grown as a person.

Situation 1

One of your classmates doesn’t like you at all because of how popular you are. So she/he starts giving you a cold shoulder and gossiping about you in her/his group. What do you do?

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1. Try to go and talk to them, if they are mature enough to take that talk seriously. Otherwise, I can just ignore.

2. They have no right to speak shit about me behind my back. I’m going to make sure they get that I AM PISSED!

If you chose 1, then you have definitely matured. While it can be a good decision to have a talk, but people who do such silly things are too immature to take that talk in a good stride. So, it’s best to ignore. Unless and until their bickering isn’t affecting your relations with your classmates or your performance, there’s no need to react.

On the other hand, if you chose to show anger; directly or passive aggressively, you are giving them the reaction they wanted from you.


Situation 2

One of your co-workers is slyly trying to take credit for your work, and take your responsibilities, while maintaining a good relationship with you. What do you do?

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1. I’m a hard worker. I’ll keep doing whatever work I’m getting with sincerity and I’ll get the results.

2. I’m going to make it very clear to him/her to stay out of my area of responsibilities. If he/she doesn’t listen, I’ll escalate this matter to the management.

In this situation, answer 2 is the mature thing to do. Unlike college, when it comes to professional relationships, any imbalance directly impacts your career. You can try to escape and continue doing whatever little work you get. But if you don’t stand up for yourself, you are going to get walked over.


Situation 3

You suspect that your roommate, who is also your good friend is stealing from you. What do you do?

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1. I definitely CANNOT confront them. They are too close to me. So the best I can do is check their cupboard when they are out to see if my stuff is in there. If it is, then I’ll silently move out.

2. I HAVE to talk. I cannot let this go at any cost. I will ask directly and will hope that they understand my position and don’t get offended.

This is a tricky one, but the mature thing to do is point 2. While I understand your concern about not asking the embarrassing question, sneaking in their cupboard in a privacy invasion and you can’t do that.


Situation 4

You are asked by your boss to recommend one of the employees for a promotion, and your best friend is also in the race. What do you do?

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1. Name my friend. We grow together. We die together. I can’t leave him/her behind.

2. I’m going to be honest and name the most worthy employee. I cannot compromise the company’s productivity.

If you chose 2, then you are probably the most mature person in the office. Take pride in that. And don’t feel guilty about anything. If your friend is talented, then he/she will stand out automatically. Promoting them based on your friendship is going to act against them in future.


Situation 5

Your S.O is trying his/her luck at a new profession and failing at it. He/She comes to you for honest feedback. What do you do?

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1. If they are really passionate about that profession, then I won’t tell them to quit. Failures don’t define their calibre. I believe in them and I’ll tell them to keep following their passion until they reach where they want to reach.

2. I’ll be honest and tell them to quit. If they are failing, then it’s clearly not the field for them.

Failure or success doesn’t define a person’s talent. One of the greatest minds and artists of the world have faced failure. If your S.O has gathered the courage to follow their passion, you should NOT advise them to quit after a few failures. Maybe the struggle is making them better. You should only advise them to quit when you think they actually have no talent in the field and need a reality check.


Situation 6

You lie and take a sick leave to attend a concert and run into your boss there. What do you do?

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1. I will ignore him/her and stay away from them throughout the concert. At work, I’m gonna pretend that it never happened and hope he/she understands that I love that band because he/she loves it too.

2. I’ll go and greet them with respect and not ignore them. If they ask about my health, I’ll say that I feel better now.

Either way, you are caught. So, there’s no point hiding. Because it’s a human thing to do, your boss is not going to hold a grudge against you for this one. So number 2 is the mature thing to do because, in that way, you aren’t showing any disrespect and owning up to the fact that you took a leave for the concert.


Situation 7

You find out that you are paid lesser than your coworker. What do you do?

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1. I’m not going to take it. I’m going to stand up for myself and speak to my boss right away.

2. I think the amount of money you get depends on the negotiation you have while getting hired. So there’s nothing I can do about it. I can work hard and expect a raise.

Answer 2 is the right thing to do. When it comes to salary, until you are overly underpaid, it’s unfair for you to go ask for raise because your co-worker got a better deal of negotiation.


Situation 8

You are falling for the person your friend is dating, but they are in a happy relationship. What do you do?

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1. I will go and confess my feelings to the person. It’s unfair to me and to him/her if I keep it inside.

2. I will have to get over it. If my friend is in a happy relationship and both of them are in love with each other, then I’m going to end up ruining 3 lives.

Answer 2 is the more mature thing to do. Answer 1 is just your selfish self, giving you a foolish reason to go speak to your crush, hoping that they’d leave your friend for you.

Hope that helped you a little. We’ll be coming out with another volume of reality checks soon! Until next time. ?

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