This Man’s Iron Man Suit Sets Guinness World Record For Top Speed And It’s A Sight To Behold!

Tony Stark is perhaps the most loved character in the Marvel universe, not only because of his sass, but also because of the awesome ‘Iron Man’ suit he dons. The suit which is accompanied by technology that seems too far from the reach of us mortal humans.

However, one man has taken the help of physics to make the Iron Man suit a reality. Although, his suit is not a replica to that of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it does enable him to fly just like Iron Man.

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British inventor, Richard Browning, set a Guinness World Record on Thursday for the fastest speed in a flight body suit, flying at a speed of 50 Kms at Lagoona Park in Reading, Britain.

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The suit comprises of miniaturised jet engines and an exo-skeleton, enabling him to take off vertically and fly. As reported by Hindustan Times, the world record of the fastest speed in a body suit is first of its kind.

The suit named Daedalus after the mythological Greek craftsman, has six jet engines mounted on its arms and also on the rear of the exo-skeleton which act as thrusters to allow vertical flight. The suit depends on body movement to steer itself.

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He is a former Royal Marine Reservist and is “inspired by doing things that haven’t been done”. He was over the moon after having set the world record and said,

“I am delighted we have set the record, and I have no doubt that this is just the beginning – I really think we can go on and smash it.”

He wanted to create a suit which would one day allow its wearer to soar from a beach, fly around the coast and maybe hop onto a helicopter mid-air to continue their journey.

Watch Richard Browning soar in his suit here:

The team of his start-up ‘Gravity’ has been working to move the project to more implications in the day-to-day life. The only bummer is that we wish there was Jarvis inside to amuse us while we soared along. Hey a girl can dream!

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