Samir Rishu Mohanty, better known as Rapper Big Deal, recently shared a heartwarming story on Instagram about his parents’ unique love story and their hotel in Puri, Odisha. Back in the day, his Japanese mother was travelling the world and visited Puri as a college student. She fell in love with the place and decided to settle there after graduating, aiming to complete her book.
Needing a source of income, she planned to open a hotel for Japanese tourists, as Puri was a popular destination for them at the time. However, being a foreign national, she faced challenges in buying land for her hotel. During this time, she met her future husband, an Odia man, and together they built their dream hotel, aptly named ‘Love & Life’.
The hotel stands tall in Puri, symbolizing their lasting love and partnership. It’s a place born out of a blend of cultures and mutual dreams, showcasing that true love knows no boundaries. Today, ‘Love & Life’ continues to welcome guests and is a living reminder of the couple’s incredible journey and the power of love that brought them together.
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Here’s a look at the video:
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Their story warmed the hearts of several people online who showered them with immense love. Here’s how they responded to the video:
What a life this couple has lived!