Two Girls Rap To A Nation Of 1.2 Billion People To Send A Very Powerful Message

We’re now known as the land of rapes
But did you ever wonder, how this took shape
Don’t shy away now, you’re a part of this culture
Of lawyers who will kill
& politicians who ban our will
& all the other Blood-sucking vultures

We stumbled upon this amazing rap by Uppekha Jain & Pankhuri Awasthi who’ve named this piece #RapAgainstRape. If the lyrics are anything to go by, they aren’t rappers, they claim, but I swear, you can into into their eyes and see their soul burning with rage from the inside.

And that’s what makes the video special: the passion pours out in the form of words. The lyrics are hard-hitting & the message is crystal clear:

Stop that tweet
And actually get on your feet
Its about time to change the tide and for you to get on our side


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