Aliens To Thor’s Hammer, People React To ‘Meteorite’ Falling From The Sky In Rajasthan

The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride so far. After multiple earthquakes and sonic booms, various conspiracy theories have been floating around about an imminent alien invasion. Yesterday at 7 AM, a mysterious object fell from the sky in Sanchore town of Rajasthan’s Jalore district giving more fuel to these theories, reports Hindustan Times.

According to News18, the 2.78 kg object resulted in a one-foot deep crater and an explosive sound.

Sub Divisional Magistrate Bhupendra Yadav was quoted saying, “We have inspected the site where the object had fallen from the sky with a loud sound. Prima facie, it appears to be a piece of meteorite, which has been seized and kept safe as it shall be sent to the lab for further examination.”

It is reported to have metallic properties of Germanium, Platinium, Nickel and Iron. The Geographical Survey of India will examine it further.

While some saw it as a sign of the apocalypse, others joked that it looked like an alien face mask. Movie buffs compared the metal to vibranium, adamantium, Silver Surfer, and the material of Thor’s hammer.

This year is just full of surprises, don’t you think?

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