Bride Fake-Bribes Rajasthan Cop In Pre-Wedding Video, Angry Seniors Issue Notice!

Pre-wedding shoots these days are extravagant, spectacular and exotic! Calling them a mini-Bollywood romantic saga won’t be wrong. From stunning locations to chiffon saree clad brides and a romantic background score, these pre-wedding videos take me back to the era of Yash Chopra!

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Also, some people add a ‘creative tadka’ to their pre-wedding videos by spicing it up with an entertaining script. In a similar case, a young cop from Rajasthan came up with a rom-com kinda script for his pre-wedding shoot.

Their video showed Dhanpat, the police officer, in his uniform. His bride, Kiran puts a bribe in his pocket and walks away. Later on, Dhanpat realizes that Kiran had taken away his wallet. So, he looks for her to get his wallet back and they fall in love!

Cute! Right?

But the video did not go down well with the other police officers and they were offended.

According to NDTV, a police officer from Chittorgarh brought the video which was initially uploaded (and now deleted) on YouTube to the department’s notice. He complained about the video stating that a police officer in uniform is seen taking bribe from his would-be bride which damages the image of the police department.

Accordingly, a notice was issued by Dr. Hawa Singh Ghomariya, IG Law and Order, to all the range inspector generals of police, which says, “steps should be taken against offending police personnel for misusing police uniform”.

All inspector generals have been ordered to “maintain the dignity of the uniform”. They are also instructed not to wear the uniform for their pre-wedding shoots.

Maybe, that’s why they say, “One must always keep our personal and professional life separate”. What are your thoughts on the entire incident?

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