Twitter Is Thrashing Raj Thackeray For ‘Fixing A Prize Of A Soldier’s Honour At 5 Crore’

Twitter isn’t just a networking platform, it is a bloody battleground. People voice their opinion here, calling out to anyone who deserves it.

Raj Thackeray issued a statement that every producer who will now hire Pakistani artists will pay Rs. 5 Crore as penance to the Army Relief Fund. Twitter has been lashing out on him since then saying that MNS is doing is ‘not patriotism’ but just ‘plain extortion’.

1. You can’t put a price tag on nationalism. Or wait…can you?


2. Threats and conditions, that isn’t calling off.


3. Point.


4. Nothing but the truth.


5. Someone needs to hold the mirror in from of Mr. T


6. Gunda raj. Army is fighting for the country. They can fight for themselves.


7. That’s all that’s left.


8. Barkha Dutt speaks.


9. That’s right.


10. What’s easier to speak is harder to do.


11. His comment probably doesn’t honour army men.


12. It rather dishonours them.


13. Could a guy be any funnier? 


14. There are many who are speaking to support Raj Thackery. They’ve called him brave and patriotic.


15. This guy has some ‘realistic’ calculations to back him up.


16. Well…

Banning artists can still be justified. But asking for money or extortion or any kind of threat- that is what India should not tolerate.

Don’t you agree? Leave your views in the comments below.

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