Proud Sikh Celebrates Pride Month With Stunning Rainbow Turban & Everyone’s Saying Balle Balle!

Every year, the month of June is celebrated as ‘Pride Month’ by the LGBTQI+ community. After 50 years of struggle, awareness and support for the community is at an all-time high. With each passing day, more and more people are accepting the fact that #LoveIsLove and embracing the rainbow flag.

Recently, Jiwandeep Kohli, a California-based neuroscientist and amateur pastry chef decided to step up his style game and sport a ‘Pride Turban’. Bright and joyful rainbow colours have always symbolised the diversity of the community and this is the perfect way to celebrate Pride Month, don’t you think?

Mr. Kohli identifies as a proud bisexual himself and took to Twitter to share his masterpiece. His tweet currently has 35,000 likes and 4,800 retweets to its name. Everyone was impressed with his handiwork and were curious to know how he included the six colours to his black turban.

Here is how he managed the brilliant feat!

People all over the world appreciated his efforts and lauded him for working towards a world without discrimination.

Kudos to Mr. Kohli for being open about his sexual orientation and thinking of such a colourful and wholesome way to depict his fight for equality. This truly is the most positive photo on the internet today.

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