Radio Mirchi’s ‘Mat Aao India’ Jingle After Swiss Couple Attack Backfires Massively


It was on Wednesday that a Swiss couple was harassed, pelted with stones, and left seriously injured. And, Indians were questioning how is this “Atithi Devo Bhava”?

Quentin Jeremy Clerc (24) and Marie Droz (24), who are now recovering, were beaten up at Agra’s Fatehpur Sikhri.

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Indians condemned the act and the Ministry of External Affairs is looking into the safety and the well-being of the couple.

In the light of this, Radio Mirchi made a jingle on Atithi Devo Bhava. Columnist and author, Anand Ranganathan, shared the transcript of the song, while writing,

“Transcript of @radiomirchi‘s campaign to ward off tourists. NAUSEATING, especially when ALL Indians are deeply troubled by the awful crime.”

The words of the jingle are,

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Hear it, yourself.

It started getting massive backlash from all.

Some shamed RM.

Some pulled in Akash Banerjee into the ring.

This columnist urged all to unfollow the radio channel.

Some staunchly boycotted the radio channel.

Radio Mirchi soon put up an apology on their social media handles.

And, that too faced a lot of flak.

Some didn’t accept RM’s apology.

Some shamed them.

People are still upset with the radio channel and some are even demanding the sacking of Akash Banerjee who is the Vice President of Radio Mirchi.

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