Puppy With ‘Human Face’ Has Left The Internet Scratching Its Head


One of the best perks of having the internet is definitely puppy pictures. How adorable are they! Them with their cute little paws and glistening noses that go ‘boob!’, and those big round eyes. Man, those eyes!

Alright, before I melt and turn into a puddle of mush, let me tell you about the latest doggo who’s taken the internet by storm.

One-year-old Yogi has gone viral on twitter for having distinct human facial features.

At first many thought it was a classic case of the face swap but were quickly corrected. The picture has gone viral with over 3000 retweets and 12,000 likes gained within a week. However, according to Metro, Yogi’s human Chantal Desjardins said she’d never noticed the uncanny resemblance before.

The internet lost no time in coming up with hilarious picture comparisons with multiple celebrities. Trust me these will have you LOLing.

1. Pretty close.

2. Ok, this one got me.


3. Handsome as ever.

4. I think we have a winner.

5. Must be the eyes.

6. She’s definitely not wrong.


7. There it is!

But the tweet that took the cake was this one which called out the most important thing to be done right now.


Little Yogi, don’t worry buddy. You’re still the best no matter who you’ve enslaved in you. Man, I love the internet!

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