12 Problems You Go Through If You’re A Middle-Sized Person

You know that feeling of fabulousness when you find that perfect pair of jeans that fits you, hugging your legs perfectly? Or when you find a gorgeous dress that fits snugly, accentuating your body just the right way? Yeah, me neither!

Whenever I go shopping, I have to bear the scrutinizing look of the shopping assistant when I reach for a smaller sized dress or blouse while at heart I know the bigger sizes aren’t options for me. Finding a piece of cloth that fits at least okayish is a nightmare. And I’m sure you face these problems too if you’re an awkward middle-sized person as I am.

1. You have to take several different sizes of the same piece of clothing to the trial room

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Because nothing fits you perfectly, and shopping is always a nightmare.


2. You have a permanent relationship with your tailor

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You are always altering your pants, tops, dresses etc. Only the Midas touch of the tailor can make a dress fit to wear for us.


3. You cannot be entirely happy when people gift you clothes

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Because deep down, we know it’s either gonna be loose or too tight!


4. You are never entirely satisfied with what you wear

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You keep of tugging, tucking and cursing your luck. I know, trust me! *sighs*


5. You keep on hearing “have you gained weight” and “omg you look so skinny”

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Simultaneously. At the same time. All the time. AAAAArrrrgggghhh!!


6. And people are always telling you how you need to exercise

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Dude, seriously, go away before I throw something at you.


7. You become extremely conscious while dining out

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Do you go for salad and something healthy or do you dive into the bowl of pad thai you’ve been eyeing?


8. In fact, eating becomes an ordeal because you can’t decide whether to act like an anorexic or a glutton

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To diet or not to diet becomes the perpetual question looming large!


9. It especially becomes a nightmare whenever you’re home because mum is always trying to overfeed you

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You can’t say no and your insecurities are let loose!


10. Your weight is always fluctuating

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I honestly don’t remember when was the last time I weighed the same 2 months at a row! 🙁


11. You are unsure of going out in a bold dress

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Here’s a tip – just go for it. You’re gonna look hot!


12. People are also always telling you how you should be happy to be blessed with your body

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My body, my insecurities. Let me drown myself in my misery and a glass of wine or two. Don’t try to lecture, seriously!

Well, whatever. I am what I am, and I AM going to eat one whole box of icecream and then cry thinking I’m too fat for my own good. Deal with it.

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