Twitter Trolls Prince William After He Says The Royal Family Isn’t Racist

To call Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey “shocking” would be an understatement. It was, in fact, explosive. The allegations which the duo made against the Royal establishment are serious and hence, they are undergoing worldwide scrutiny.

One of the several allegations which Meghan Markle made was that of racism. She mentioned how people inside the establishment were worried “how dark” her son Archie would be once he was born. She also alleged that the Royals said that her child wouldn’t be given a title.

As her allegations have caused massive outrage across the world, Prince William responded by saying that they are “very much not a racist family,” reports NDTV.

However, people online did some quick digging and posted pictures indicating that the Royal family has shown racist behavior in the past. Prince William has since then been subjected to incessant online trolling. Have a look at how people online responded:

If what Meghan Markle alleged is indeed true, it is disappointing that the former Duchess of Sussex had to endure it all. To discriminate a person, especially an unborn child, based on their race is nothing but condemnable.

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