5-Months Pregnant Olympian Ran In USA Nationals Wearing A ‘Wonder Woman’ Tee, Wins Hearts!


Gal Gadot shot ‘Wonder Woman’ five-months pregnant and the minute that news hit the newsstands, people were in awe! And, why not? She’s breaking the glass ceiling and everyone’s rooting hard for her. Woo hoo! Just like this Olympic runner, Alysia Montaño.

Alysia, ran the in the Track and Field Nationals last week while wearing a Wonder Woman half-shirt exposing her midriff, and we can’t help but commend the mommy-to-be.


The reason behind choosing that WW tee was intentional, because she associates herself with the DC superhero. Alysia told Team USA,

“I wanted Wonder Woman to represent me …When I found out (star Gal Gadot) filmed half the movie five months pregnant, I said, ‘I for sure am signing up for USA nationals.’ I don’t define myself as a runner, I really define myself as a fighter for good. And I see that playing true in running.”


Now, isn’t that real-life Wonder Woman-esque qualities? Hell, yeah!


If you are wondering about the health risks of Mom and baby, then don’t worry. It is perfectly safe and actually, recommended.


Waiting at the finish line was her almost-three-year-old daughter, Linnea. Alysia runs because she wants to be an inspiration to millions of moms and daughters, and of course, to her own daughter.


This is not the first time she ran while she was preggers. At the same event, in 2014, Montaño ran when she was 8-months-pregnant.

Wow! Kudos to you, Alysia Montaño and more power to you! #KeepRunning

H/T: The Cut

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