13 Golden Quotes By The Powerful Girls That Are Made Up Of Sugar, Spice And Everything Nice!


As I climb the ladder of age, every passing day, the realisation of the struggle dawns- LIFE SUCKS! And I wonder, is adulthood categorically being a bitch to me? But then I have a childhood to fall back on. Years filled with nap hours, lesser complexities, schooldays and the best- CARTOONS!

Talking about cartoons, I really want to take a moment and appreciate ‘The Powerpuff Girls’ for everything it was and everything it is! I mean, yeah it was basically tiny ‘Chemical-X’ beings who took on the bad guys but now I know, how I know, that good triumphs evil!

In the same memory, here are 13 quotes by Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup that are as awesome as they were/are!

1. Eh?


2. And badass!


3. Not at all!




5. Evidently! 


6. Three’s a company! 


7. ‘And reduce him to pulp?’


8. Oh yes, Bubbles. You are!


9. Oh ho!


10. Fighting evil is tiring y’all!


11. A little is all it takes!




13. When the dormant volcano erupts lava!


Now, that I think…this generation will never know what a good cartoon was. PERIOD.

Poster Courtesy- Sachin Kaushik

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