This Amusing Poem On ‘Millennial Romance’ Will Hit You Where It Hurts The Most

The 4-letter-word, LOVE has evolved over time.

You love those shoes, you love a giant wardrobe, you love that faux leather handbag and you love a person. It’s like we casually throw around the word, mostly not meaning it – don’t you think?

I think we have made life too complicated or maybe, our vocabulary too simple, that we end up using the word LOVE too often, too soon. But that’s not the point. The love I am talking about, is too deep a feeling. Probably the only feeling that can’t be put into words.

And millennials have a different take on it. But to anyone who falls in love and latches him/herself to the binds of attachment, without a delay in time – this poem (uploaded by –UnErase Poetry) is a tribute to you or maybe it’s about you. Have a look!

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