Pakistan Airline’s Solution To Deadly Crash? Sacrificing Goat At The Runway. APPALLING!


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Little over a week ago, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) plane PK-661 with 48 people, crashed in a village near Pakistan while en route to Islamabad. The fatal crash killed all the passengers and is the most tragic episode PIA has seen in four years.

However, things took off quickly from there. And the national carrier of Pakistan is in news again but for the most bizarre reason.

Before resuming their ATR flights, the PIA performed a sadqa and sacrificed a black goat at the airport runway in Islamabad to seek divine intervention and ward off bad luck. 

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Needless to say, the ruthless act has been condemned and the picture has been despised by many on the social media, criticising PIA for animal slaughter at the wake of superstition.


In fact according to a PIA official, the sacrifice performed by the staff was to show gratitude for the necessary clearances to resume flight operations of its ATR fleet.

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“The officials sacrificed a goat yesterday as a gesture of gratitude as the ATR aircraft resumed flight operations.”

However, the official added that the act was not authorised by the higher chain of command.


Twitter also broke with wrath and Twitterati took no efforts in hiding their disgust. 

1. Appalling!


2. Is this the progressive society we want to live in?


3. I still can’t believe my eyes!


4. Somebody tell PIA that!


5. Gut-wrenching!

I don’t know about you but I’m at a loss of words.

News Source: News 18

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