13 Striking Quotes By Petyr Baelish Which Prove Why He Was One Of The Best GoT Villains

“You know what I learnt losing that duel? I learnt that I’ll never win. Not that way. That’s their game, their rules. I’m not going to fight them, I’m going to f**k them. That’s what I know, that’s what I am, and only by admitting what we are can we get what we want.”

Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish bid adieu from Game of Thrones in the season 7 finale. While there’s so much you can hate about Lord Baelish, you can’t deny the fact that manipulative Llittlefinger was a clever man.


He believed in mind games and he was getting away with everything, or so he thought. In the beginning of the season, Lord Baelish advised Sansa,

“Fight every battle, everywhere, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy. Everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. “

Perhaps he lost sight of it all after 4 episodes and fell for the classiest GOT trap of all time, laid by the Stark children.


While Twitter is rejoicing the death of Lord Baelish, who had it coming, we bring to you some of the wisest things he has ever said. Because it’s proof that the worst villain of all time, was and will always be a clever man in Westeros.

1. Strategize like Baelish!


2. Chaos is what took you, the chaos you tried to create.


3. That question answers itself.


4. Oh, the irony.


5. There’s something I’ll never forget!


6. And Ned still fell into his evil trap.


7. Now that I think about it, Baelish would have gotten along with the Mad Lannister Queen.


8. If there was good in your heart!


9. The Starks are slow learners, but they know how to slay!


10. This quote can go on the wall!


11. Catelyn Stark, his first and only love. Only until he fell for Sansa.


12. For the ones we love.


13. Or a dagger.


14. One of his last quotes.

From being a brothel owner to one of the most powerful people in Westeros, Lord Petyr Baelish of House Baelish had come a long way.

His plots and his deceit shaped the war that is almost here.

RIP Littlefinger.

Poster Courtesy: Nikhil Jain

Image Courtesy: HBO

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