Pet Owners Confess That They Never Call Their Pets By Their Names

Having a dog or a cat (or any other of kind of pet your prefer) in your family is equivalent to having a kid. And if you absolutely hate people, then it might be better than having a kid. Because why would you want a little, more annoying version of yourself?

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And due to that kind of relationship, we feel the need to name them, even though we’re unsure if they understand our language. Some try to come up with something meaningful, and others just go with ‘Rex’, ‘Kitty’ or a celeb name. However, what’s common among every pet owner is that they never use that name.

Twitter user @metroadlib pointed this out by talking about every single alternate name for Cooper, the dog.

And this got the internet thinking as well..

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Sooner or later, netizens came to the same realisation as well that they had never called their pets by the names they had given them. And here’s the proof:

Personally, I don’t think it’s not really important to stick with the name you had initially given, if your pet responds to you or your voice. But that’s just me. What do you think? Do you strictly adhere to the name you had assigned to them? Or have you diverged from it by miles? Let me know in the comments.

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