8 Joys Of Life You Experience When You Work From Home

You slog for hours at a stretch, and get what, some more work in return? Now while slogging is fine when done in an organized manner, what isn’t fine is overworking yourself only to reach a point where you start to feel brain dead! Breaks are important. No matter how much your work keeps you hooked, they are. But turns out, regardless of how much you try to keep yourself relaxed at your workplace, that essence of stress in the air stays stagnant, and cannot be avoided.

And so, comes to your rescue, the work-from-home system! Seriously, thank God for it, because…

1. You save yourself from navigating through the sea of honking vehicles!

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Now unless you work in Switzerland or Lichtenstein, why would you willingly drive in the busy roads where, unsurprisingly, you can’t even see the surface of the roads, thanks to bustling population of the metros!

Work from home = no driving in the traffic + no honking
No driving = saving of fuel
No honking = lesser noise pollution and no headache

It is a blessing, really.


2. The bliss of attending professional meetings dressed in pajamas

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We all have had those days when we wore that crisp professional shirt on those, oh-my-so-lovable-and-comfy, sweatpants! It makes you feel like the ruler of your own world, who does anything at all, in their own style.


3. And you can finally, play that music out loud

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For some, music is the escape from all the maddening chaos in the office. And the moment they plug those earphones off, they start to lose the track of their work. However, at home, you can take listening-to-music, up a notch! Play it out loud. Let the melodies do their work of keeping the air peppy and clean of stress. Work in a happy environment! And what place, devoid of music, can be a happy place?


4. The luxury of warm food, straight from the stove!

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Irrespective of your dabba’s capability of keeping the food warm round the clock, and the tasty (mostly, not) food available at your office mess, NOTHING can replace the soul-soothing taste of fresh, piping-hot, home-cooked food.


5. Fewer work distractions

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Working from home gives you the peace that you can’t get in an office environment. People, in fact, get more work done sitting in the comfort of home because of the absence of unnecessary jabbering sessions.


6. You can take frequent breaks, yet get the work done, easily and happily

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Roam around in the house,

Watch TV and catch up on some news (or okay, Shin Chan),

Leave your temptress of a bed and dance a little bit, and stretch,

Play with your pet, or,

Work from a coffee house (tried and tested- It feels awesome!).

The key thing is- as long you are able to keep your head and heart happy, you will be able to put your best finger forward on that key!

End result- Job Satisfaction


7. You feel more independent and self-directed

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One of the commonly faced problems at workplaces is related to the flow of instructions. Lack of a smooth instructional flow keeps you confused, and frustrated! But when you work in a relaxed environment, your mind is clearer. Away from the distraction of several opinions being thrown at you, you feel focused and, more independent with your work. You feel important to yourself, and that feeling always helps in getting the work done smoothly.


8. And of course, it saves your sick leaves

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In the professional world, falling sick is something that is frowned upon. And God forbid if you get your stomach upset on a Saturday, or if the virus gets you down on a Monday. Every human body functions at a unique pace. But if you are an office goer, your body works the way your office wants it to.

But hey! You can work from home! (Of course, not when that head just won’t stop playing the drums!)

Work from the comfort of your bed, drink hot fluids, enjoy the care and attention being showered upon you by your friends and family- all of this while still being very much present in office register. Woot!

Stay happy.

Stay productive.

Work from home, my love. 🙂

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