13 Signs You Are The Gossip Queen Of Your Group

Don’t you hate it when people who know NOTHING about somebody else, gossip know nothing interesting enough to give you your daily dose of gossip and rumour? If the above sentence is fitting for you, then join the club girl, because you’re not alone.

1. You stay updated about anything and everything

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If celebrities cared, they’d be scared of the things you know about them.


2. When something happens around you, you’re the first one to know

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3. People approach you for any information they are interested in

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They have even offered to pay you at times.


4. Everybody knows not to mess with you

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They understand the consequences of trying and are petrified for good reason.


5. As you know both sides of the story, you become the middle man for every conversation


6. You know so many people that you have lost count

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And obviously you need to know so many people to get information from everywhere.


7. You have been given nicknames like khabri, jasoos, etc.

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Rightfully so!


8. You are always attentive and keep your eyes open for any  gossip

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9. You love analyzing each and every detail about a piece of gossip…

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…and try to find out everybody’s opinion on it. After all you need to know which one is the best one to spread around.


10. You just can’t listen to a secret and not share it

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You get physical, mental and emotional pain by not doing so.


11. When you feel evil enough or bored, you even start up a rumour about yourself

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12. You find ways to get people to start spilling details


13. When someone decides not to tell you a secret, you try to feign lack of  interest

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But inside you jump up and down to know that secret

In Hindi, it’s called ‘Khujli’ 😛

Well now that you know you’re not alone, go gossip about it… errr… we mean spread the word about it. Or just gossip. Everybody loves gossip. <3

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