A Beautiful Photo-Series Of People Revealing Their Scars And The Stories Behind Them


For long, society has dictated the terms of beauty and what is ‘desirable’. People, for ages now, have been forced to hide or fix their scars because they’re considered ugly. While women bear most of the brunt, every person, male or female, feels conscious talking about the stories behind them because it ain’t ‘pretty’.

But it’s time to change these perceptions and much more. And London-based photographer Sophie Mayenne wants to do exactly that with her powerful project ‘Behind The Scars.’ 

Primarily meant as an editorial and shoot for a magazine, her initiative has now grown into a campaign celebrating people, their scars and the stories behind them.

She does it to help spread body-positivity, urging survivors to share their tale, shed inhibitions and inspire people to embrace their ‘imperfections.’ She told Independent

“I want people to be able to identify with the images, to see an array of different people and maybe think ‘I have imperfections too, but they make me who I am’.”

See more of her work here: 

1. Beautiful.

2. Her eyes are saying it all…

3. ‘I was diagnosed with cancer.’

4. Breaking barriers.

5. For it starts with loving yourself…

6. Braving it with smiles and mirth.

7. We all need help. One way or the other.

8. Do you see his courage in his eyes? You’re not the only one.

9. Once you know how to embrace them, nothing is more liberating.

10. Wear your scars proudly!

11. Brave and bold.

12. Be your own saviour.

13. And you won’t believe the wonders it can work.

14. She has seen it all, yet comes out smelling like roses.

15. You can be everything you wish for and let no one tell you otherwise.

If this isn’t empowering, I don’t know what is. More power to the bravehearts who shared stepped out of their shell and props to the photographer who is trying to do her bit, one picture at a time!

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