Redditor Takes A Dig At Parents Who Take Their Toddlers To Standup Comedy Shows, Gets Support

Earlier, if a couple had to go outside to spend some quality time together, they could leave their kids with their parents or other members of the family. But as more people choose to live in a nuclear-family setup, they no longer have that option. Those couples who do not have a designated babysitter end up taking their babies in public places, some of which can be called inappropriate for kids.

For example, nowadays you’ll find a lot of couples taking their kids to pubs and bars. Some even take them to ‘A’ rated movies and standup comedy shows. Here’s an incident.

A user on Reddit (@curiouscat_92) shared a post on the r/bangalore subreddit revealing how a couple brought their toddler to Nishant Suri’s standup comedy show. The presence of the child not only caused a disturbance for the rest of the audience but also for the standup comics performing that day.

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“Went to Nishant Suri’s show yesterday and a very dumb set of people decided it was okay to bring their 1-year-old toddler there. I mean, I understand crying kids in planes is something one cannot help, and kids running around a pub/bar/restaurant is somewhat common these days although a safety hazard. But what’s the rationale behind taking a kid to a stand-up comedy show? Common sense isn’t very common it seems,” the user wrote.

It was further revealed that the comic who performed before Nishant Suri took digs at the couple for bringing their baby and the audience showed their full support.

“The kid’s babbling was very distracting, thankfully Adesh was opening for Nishant and threw a bunch of expletives the parent’s way as the crowd cheered. I hooted and clapped as well. Quoting Adesh ‘ye 1 saal ka bachha mere xx saal ke career ka gaand mar rha hai’. It wasn’t even comic, he was frustrated from the constant distraction and the crowd supported him.”

Have a look at the user’s full post here:

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Several others shared similar experiences of coming across children in places they weren’t meant to be – from an Atul Khatri show to an Oppenheimer screening. Have a look;

Do you think standup comedy venues, movie theatres and pubs should have rules regarding not allowing children below a certain age?

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