Pakistani Women Share The Reasons They Got Rejected For A ‘Rishta’ And It’ll Burn You Up

The institution of arranged marriage is a weird one. It is like you are going to buy something, you check the quality and then bargain. And then finally, you decide whether the ‘product’ will serve your needs and your irrational desires or not. Don’t you feel that we have commodified marriage? An institution which is SUPPOSED to be based on love and trust but instead we have converted it into something so market like!

Arranged marriages are an ordeal, especially when one party rejects the other one for reasons beyond comprehension of the ones with brains! These Pakistani women have tweeted about the cause which led to the demise of their dream of ‘finding a soulmate,’ because, yes, that is what arranged marriages do!

This twitter user @oh_my_mascara asked women to post about why they were rejected by the ‘Rishta people.’ She tweeted,


It was retweeted by many women and the replies will leave you thinking. Take a look at all the ludicrous reasons.

1. Oh! Yes, because all these things are so sensible


2. ‘Not a model like look,’ they say!


3. Because speaking up your own rational mind is so offensive to the dumb ones


4. Women working is beyond the chaukat!


5. Because ladkiyaa getting tez is so hanikarak, they can kick your ass harder now!


6. Doing what you love has zero value!


7. Beware, girls, too much talking can lead you to not getting married at all!


8. The smart ones finally!


9. Really, for glasses? Couldn’t come up with any other innovative reason? Oh! come on, rack your brains, you can!


10. Yay! Finally an acceptance. Wait until you read the reason!


11. Ah! The classic one- SKIN COLOUR.


12. Yeah, modernity is all in the appearance!


13. Thighs! Well, you heard it right. They scan you.


14. Because fairness also guarantees a happy life!

This is what it has been since times immemorial. It is not only in Pakistan but it happens in India and many other countries! Girls are judged for all the wrong reasons. And the boys go scot free. Why? Well, because they have a penis! If only, roughly after 2 lakh years of our existence we cannot even be logical enough to shed our senseless values, seriously, have we evolved or are we de-evolving?

H/T: Indian Express

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