Pakistani Men Post Pics Holding Misogynist Placards Protesting Women’s March, Get Slammed Online

Women’s rights in Islamic countries is probably the worst in the world. So it didn’t really come as a surprise when the Aurat March which was held in Pakistan this Women’s Day faced a severe backlash.

Women and the LGBTQ community across various cities in Pakistan marched the streets chanting slogans about their everyday realities of gender inequality, safety issues, and a dearth of opportunities.

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While they were applauded by many and their colourful placards went viral online, several citizens, mostly men but also some women, criticized and attacked the movement.

And soon, in retaliation to the march, a number of men started posting pictures holding placards of their own, trolling women, calling it the Mard March.

“Consent mera bhi zaruri hai”.

“Tum Whatsapp Check Karao”.

What’s even worse is that people came forward to support the ‘Mard March’.

They spoke about how women unnecessarily try playing the victim card and that feminism is just a means of hating men.

However, several people jumped in and condemned the Mard March. Calling out to the insecurity and threatened misogyny, many pointed out the regressiveness of the backlash.

According to the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report 2018, Pakistan hits rock bottom when it comes to gender equality. Out of 149 countries globally, it ranks 148.

Hence, it makes movements like the Aurat March quite necessary to bring about at least some change in the overall treatment of women.

It’s sad how patriarchy has moulded individuals into thinking that women empowerment is a threat to humankind!

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