9 Possible Hidden Secrets Behind Famous Paintings

So apparently, the most talented of artists of the past didn’t just leave behind some legendary paintings but also some codes hidden mysteriously in their strokes, for today’s researchers to break their heads over. Following are a few such famous paintings that apparently, have kept some secrets for ages now.

1. Mona Lisa- It perhaps carries the real Da Vinci Code

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Artist: Leonardo da Vinci

Year: 1503–1517

Experts have stated that on seeing the magnified version of Mona Lisa’s eyes, they could spot barely distinguishable letters and numbers. In the right eye, letters LV can be seen. The other eye too contains some unclear symbols that appear to be letters CE, or the letter B. The symbols spotted on the arch of the bridge behind the subject are either the number 72 or the letter L or just the number 2.

The appearance of another number- 149, with a fourth number erased, behind the picture perhaps suggest the “1490s”, which is thought to be the approximate time when Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan.

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2. Madonna with Saint Giovannino- A proof that man was fascinated with UFOs even centuries ago

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Artist: Domenico Ghirlandaio

Year: Late 1400s

The mysterious feature in this painting can be noticed in the background in the form of an Unidentified Flying Object. The mere fact that mankind has known of UFOs centuries ago is fascinating in itself.

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3. David and Goliath– Has shapes that form a Hebrew alphabet

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Artist: Michelangelo

Year: 1509

The painting decorates the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. On a close analysis, it is believed to be covered in various shapes, all of which form the Hebrew letter “Gimel”, which in mystical Kabbalah (school of thought that originated in Judaism) tradition, symbolizes g’vurah, or ‘strength’.

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4. The Last Supper- A Vatican researcher claimed to have foreseen the end of world through The Last Supper

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Artist: Leonardo da Vinci

Year: 1498

Sabrina Sforza Galitzia claimed to have found and cracked a mathematical code and an astrological puzzle in the, The Last Supper. According to her claims, she has foreseen the end of the world which would occur as a result of a universal flood. The researcher claims that the flood would begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 of the same year. According to Sabrina, this would be the start of new humanity.

Also, an Italian musician Giovanni Maria Pala has stated that musical notes can be seen in the position of the bread loaves and hands on the table. And if they were to be read from right to left (which was the writing style of Leonardo da Vinci), they formed a musical composition.

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5. Netherlandish Proverbs: 112 proverbs, and counting

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Artist: Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Year: 1559

This one looks as though it holds a plentitude of mysteries. There are different Dutch proverbs depicted through this painting. As per the last count, as many as 125 proverbs have already been identified in this, and probably there are more unidentified ones, still lurking in the painting.

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6. The Music Lesson– Erotica in air and a phallic symbol on the floor

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Artist: Johannes Vermeer

Year: Between 1662 and 1665

A young woman is seen touching the keys of the virginals (a keyboard instrument) as her tutor looks on. However, if one sees closely in the mirror, the girl can be seen looking towards tutor, appearing distracted by his presence. A pitcher believed to contain an aphrodisiac is also shown on the table, thereby giving the whole scene a strong dash of erotica.

What is catchy here, however, is the large instrument lying on the floor, which is seen as a phallic symbol (an object signifying a penis).

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7. The Supper at Emmaus– Carries the Christian Code of Silence?

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Artist: Caravaggio

Year: 1601

A beardless Jesus can be seen here revealing himself before his disciples after the Resurrection, in the town of Emmaus. The dark background gives the painting its unusual attribute. Another catchy feature has to be the basket of fruits on the edge of the table that appears to be teetering. Along the side of the basket, a shadow of fish can be seen- It signifies the Code of Silence recognition for Christians.

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8. Et in Arcadia ego: They said it holds clues to hidden treasure in the south of France

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Artist: Nicolas Poussin

Year: 1637-1638

The image shows a crowd of ancient Greek shepherds gathered around a tomb, that has the sentence- “Et In Arcadia Ego” (“Even in Arcadia I exist”) inscribed on it.

British researchers claimed that the painting holds the clue to a hidden treasure in the Southern France where Jesus is believed to have lived with one of his followers Mary Magdalene. Don’t know about treasure, but this hypothesis led to (unsuccessful) plagiarism suit against Dan Brown, the author of the Da Vinci Code.

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9. The Prophet Zechariah- Apparently, Michelangelo flipped the bird to Pope Julius II through this painting

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Artist: Michelangelo

Year: 1512

Coming from the Renaissance era, this is a fresco painting adorning the Sistine Chapel. While the painting is believed to depict a minor prophet, Zechariah, with two angels on his back, some historians say that the subject is actually a representation of the then Pope Julius II.

It is believed that the pope and the painter shared a tense relationship. One of the angels can even be seen sticking his thumb between the index and middle fingers- A Renaissance version of flipping the bird.

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In mysteries, we all live.

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