This Open Letter Is To Every Ex Who Dumped You Because You Didn’t ‘Fix Them’

The worst part of a relationship is breaking up. Sometimes two people in love grow so far with time, that it not only breaks the relationship but in the process ends up ripping their hearts in halves.

There are a lot of things one feels during a break-up and not all of them could be exactly said or written at that point because you are just an overwhelming bulk of emotions. But then, if you are still broken in some ways, this letter penned down by Brittany Estes for Open Letters That Matter will give you hope and reasons to be alright.

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I have a question for you and don’t worry, it’s a simple one. Why?Why did you break my heart?

Why did you lie to me, manipulate me, and make me think it was my fault?

How could you do that to me, to someone you claimed to love?

Were you really so cruel the whole time, or did I somehow let you become that man?

Is that my fault?

You seemed so perfect in so many ways, and I put you on a pedestal instead of pointing out your faults. Apparently, that was my mistake, because that’s what you wanted…a woman who would “fix” you. At least, that’s what you said when you left me.

I thought about those parting words, again and again. If only I had done this, if only I had called you out when you screwed up, instead of supporting you, you might have still been mine.

That’s the problem, though.

There were so many times you did this, so many times you hurt me with your words and your secrets, that I was afraid calling you on it would end the relationship.

Ironic, isn’t it?

The thing is, you are the problem in your own scenario, not me. It was never my job to fix you. We both lived in a time of uncertainty and change in our lives; the difference was that I worked to solve my own problems and tried to support you in yours. You did neither.

I don’t know why I would hold onto someone who would do those things, over and over again, to the woman he supposedly loves.

It’s been months, and I still miss the dream I had of the life I thought I would be living right now. I let myself get comfortable. I let myself believe you would be there for me. I don’t know how I could be so careless. I guess that’s what love does to you; it makes you stupid and reckless with your own heart, except, you did that to me too. You were careless with my heart, and a coward in the end.

I’m sorry that you did all of those things. I won’t tell you that you’ll regret it, or that you’ll miss me. I’m sorry, instead, that you are who you are. You have to live with your own conscience and your own heart, and I don’t think either are what you want them to be.

I may have been the one who got my heart broken, but in the end, I am the one that is free of you. That’s something you’ll never be able to be.

By Brittany Estes


You can also read the post here.

All said and done, if you needed a closure since a long time, there you go.

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