20 Posters Show How If You Drop Just ONE Letter From A Word, It Changes Everything!

One Letter Matters


Ah, my old nemesis.

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We all make typos and that’s a human error everyone acknowledges. Sometimes, these typos — even though as minor as a letter — can change the meaning of the word COMPLETELY. And as you know, English is a bhery phunny language which never fails to surprise us.

So, we dropped one letter from common English words and it gave rise to hysterical results. Have a loo…umm…look. And, guys, don’t try this at home. 😛

1. Imagine how bad would “she is my world, she is my hoe” sound!


2. He is the “sexist” man alive…NOT.


3. “Issued in pubic interest.” ?


4. If ever using “Tilt this way”, please don’t drop the L.


5. Friendly and spirited.


6. “What time is it? 9 o’ …..”


7. Slick back can have a different connotation when the L is missed.


8. There was a “thumping” sound. Err! *facepalm*


9. Baby ko bass pasand hai?


10. Never ever drop that E and text your GF, “Wish you were her!” Never!


11. “His ‘anal’ speech was interesting.”


12. Count Olaf can easily become Cunt Olaf! Mind it.


13. “I like his ‘nutsy’ attitude.”


14. Follow it to the T.


15. ‘On’ can see it.


16. “You ‘now’ it better.”


17. A silly mistake.


18. “The ear 2017!”


19. “The man groped her and roped her”, sounds very wrong.


20. Word with grave consequences.


Can you come up with more? Let us know!

Poster Courtesy: Sachin Kaushik

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