This 97-Year-Old Lady Hasn’t Missed A Single Day Of Yoga And Never Visited A Hospital Ever!

The benefits of Yoga are immense. It’s not a combination of various asanas (yoga poses). Time and again, the benefits of Yoga have been discussed. Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, good health are some of the few outcomes you are guaranteed to get. My mom swears by this mantra to stay fit!

This video by The News Minute shows a 97-year-old who resides in Coimbatore. Given her old age, Nanamaal is fit and fine and she credits her fitness to yoga and strict diet. She has been practicing yoga without missing a day for a long time and has never visited the hospital!

Pranam to the old lady who is giving us immense #FitnessGoals. 🙂

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