Nutritionist Gets Slammed By People For Saying Our Bodies Don’t Need Carbohydrates

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or Disorder (PCOS/PCOD) is a way more common medical condition that women suffer from than people would believe. 1 out of every 10 women suffer from PCOS, reports Business Insider, which can cause symptoms like missed periods and weight gain.

To bring PCOS under control, many gynaecologists suggest that women suffering from it lose weight and eat healthily. Recently, nutritionist Manjari Chandra spoke to NDTV about the kind of diet women who suffer from the said condition should follow.

During the interview, she mentions that our bodies ideally don’t need carbohydrates as they can make it on their own and that it isn’t an essential nutrient.

“Ideally, we don’t need carbs. The body can make it. Every time you eat simple sugars or carbs, you are pushing yourself into insulin resistance, which is the underlying cause for PCOD,” she said.

Have a look at her interview here:

This particular statement of hers has been met with significant backlash online. Many took to the comment section to claim that it is scientifically inaccurate, that the body needs carbohydrates and linked credible studies which prove so.

If you are someone who has been diagnosed with PCOS, it is best to check with an experienced gynaecologist about the steps you should follow to bring your condition under control.

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