13 Strange Superstitions From Around The World

“What we don’t understand we can make mean anything.”
Chuck Palahnuik

Man made religion to keep himself in check, and because faith leads him to achieve great things. But as is the case with extremism in everything on this planet, blind faith bungled the whole beauty of religion. Superstitions abound because of the undesirable mixture of blind faith + ignorance + happenstance. From the weird, to the offensive, to the downright stupid.

We bring you the most interesting ones.

1. Argentina

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You can’t speak the name of former President Carlos Menem. If you do so, it will bring bad luck upon you. You must touch your left breast (if you’re a woman) or your left testicle (if you’re a man) to ward off the curse (similar to touching wood).


2. Netherlands

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It is considered bad luck and rude to sing when at the dining table, especially during dinner. It is considered that you’re singing to the devil.


3. Turkey

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Superstitions don’t go back in time. They come up at regular intervals and this one is quite recent. The Turkish maintain that you should no chew gum at night, because it means you are actually chewing the flesh of the dead.


4. Vietnam

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When at a wedding in Vietnam and you bring gifts, please be kind enough to bring two of the same kind. If you bring one, it is considered to bring bad luck to the marriage, and then you believe it won’t last.


5. China

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This is probably one of the widest known facts. In China, the number 4 is considered to be very unlucky. This is because the word for the number four is very similar sounding the Chinese word for ‘death.’ They go so far as to not include the number 4 in mobile phones and not have a fourth floor in many buildings.


6. Portugal

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In Portugal, Michael Jackson would have gotten a lot of flak. This is because it is considered ungodly to walk backwards, because people think it means you’re teaching your steps to the devil.


7. Germany

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Ah, the great land of beer drinkers. Raising a toast is healthy, but if you cheer others with a glass of water, it means that you are wishing death upon those you clinked your glasses with.


8. Russia

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Ever been friend-zoned on valentine’s day by being gifted yellow flowers instead of red? Worry not, you’re not the only one. Russians believe that gifting yellow flowers while being in a relationship curses it as they are considered to symbolise infidelity.


9. France

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Ever stepped on poop? Don’t fret, there’s a 50% chance that you might actually be lucky. The French consider it bad luck to step in dog poop with your right foot, but good luck if it’s your left.


10. Japan

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If in Japan, you’re ever given a visit by a beggar, be sure to sprinkle some salt where the beggar had stood. Failing to do so might curse you and your family with financial bad luck.


11. Egypt

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In Egypt, scissors should never be left open or they should never be opened and closed without something being cut. This is considered to bring immense misfortune. Scissors hold a special importance, as they are also believed to cure a person of their nightmares if they are kept under their pillow.


12. Korea

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If you ever sleep in a closed room in japan with a fan on, it is thought to bring death by suffocation. Because of this belief, a lot of people in Korea sleep with a fan on with open windows/doors or if there is a crack in the window.


13. Senegal

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It is considered to be bad luck if you’re planning to travel and share your travelling plans with others before you have embarked. This is because they don’t want to take the chance that the person they’re talking to has devil eyes and might ruin their plans for them or cause worse misfortune.

Elders in all these countries have such extreme reactions that it’s almost funny to see them and do these. This is all based on blind faith and ignorant thought, of course, and every superstition has to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Stay lucky, you crazy believer!

Fact sources: Winkslots, World Superstitions Blog, Distractify
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