Some Guy Named His Wifi Hotspot ‘Galaxy Note 7’ On-Board And In Panic The Flight Was Delayed!

I’m sure most of you would remember back in the day when Bluetooth file transfer was the shizz? What’s more, we even gave our devices some funky names to stand out, look cool or simply mess with our friends. ‘No Devices Found’, ‘Connection Error’, ‘Virus Detected’ were among the popular ones. File sharing via Bluetooth is almost nonexistent but many of us haven’t quite gotten over funky device names.

Most recently, a Virgin flight was delayed and nearly diverted because someone found a ‘Samsung Galaxy Note 7’ on board the flight.

I can understand how that would freak you out at 10,000 ft in the air.


It caused such a scare that the crew announced if no one came forward they would turn on the lights (at 11 pm) and search every passenger’s bag. 


Eventually, the owner came forward and explained that he wasn’t actually carrying a Galaxy Note 7 but had changed the name of his SSID device to that.

Yup, I’d be pissed too!

Next time you’re boarding a flight in the United States, or for that matter any country which doesn’t take too kindly to exploding phones, triple check the names of ALL your devices!

News Source: BBC News

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