12 Side Effects Of Making Someone Your Everything


A word that’s thrown around so lightly. But it isn’t an easy task to manage and there will be a point in your relationship where you’ll either break or get carried away. This is going to something you’ll read about getting carried away and not realising where you should’ve stopped. This is going to be about over indulgence in another person so much so that you forget yourself. This is going to be about things that you probably never want to hear and more so the reasons you should take a look.

There are the things you’ll probably relate to wittingly or unwittingly.

1. Your future is never just your own

You stop thinking about a future that is just for you and start thinking of a future together in which you primarily side track your own life which you’ve lived for so long for that of your partner’s.

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2. You see yourself make compromises that constrict your personality

You stop considering your achievements as a part of your personality and change yourself for your partner so much so that you give up and reject on any passions you’ve ever held dear.

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3. You find yourself unable to function on your own

You start needing their opinion on everything and anything and you cannot help but need them all the time.

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4. You start realising that your life has no direction

You start feeling you’ve got stuck somewhere you cannot move from. You didn’t know that exactly like a dust speck falling into a glass of water feeling quite cool swirling in the liquid but eventually falling to the bottom and not be able to move anywhere unless shaken.

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5. You start giving your partner a chance to be unstable

By giving them so much power over you, you’re basically letting them know that they can be any way they want and you’ll still be there. You let them know that there is no reason to even entertain the thought of you ever leaving them, however the way they behave with you.

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6. You find yourself questioning your self-esteem

You stop trusting your gut completely and stop believing that you deserve more than what you’re getting right now.

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7. You start feeling chaotic in the peace of the routine

The routine makes you a good partner in their eyes but in your eyes, you see a lost and defeated person who is beyond recognition by the constant badgering to get it in your partner’s desired shape.

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8. You feel you never got the time to find yourself

You start feeling like you missed something. Something that you should’ve got time or, at least, a chance to explore. Explore what you ask? Yourself.

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9. You constantly feel like he/she is going to leave you

You sometimes feel so scared that your partner may leave you that you go into an overdrive of being clingy and needy that you are not yourself anymore.

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10. Your friends seem to have distanced themselves from you

You start losing most of your close friends who by the way have tried to make you realise over and over that you’re spiralling down in a dark alley and see the light before it’s too late but have failed at the hands of your stubbornness.

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11. You start confusing your priorities

In line with the previous point, you stop seeing clearly what should be a priority for you and all you can see is your partner.

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12. You feel like your life is tilted out of balance

As a result of all your actions, things start going downhill real fast and you wouldn’t know what hit you.

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Unless you read this and realise that this was fate telling you to halt a little and think where you are going.

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