Netizens Share The Dumbest Things They Did As Kids & The Stories Are Hilariously Disturbing

As adults, we like to pose as some of the smartest beings on the planet. But deep down, we know that we’ve done some dumb stuff back in the day. Like believing that Santa Claus is real. Or twirling a piece of stick to cast magic spells (some of us still do that, please don’t judge).

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However, it turns out that all that was pretty UA-rated in comparison to what others around the world have done during their childhood.

Twitter user @MotherOfDoggons asked the internet that what are some of the stupidest things they’ve done as a kid, whilst sharing her own antics.

There were hundreds of responses to this tweet. But since most of the entries are morbid as hell (while being amusing as well), I’d honestly advise you to…

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Here are the best responses:

1. Is this the sequel to ‘Hereditary’?

2. Science!

3. “Chew up bread”?! Wow.

4. Makes sense.

5. Disco dancer anyone?

6. “I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky.”

7. Better than Dumbledore’s Deluminator.

8. That’s one way of travelling.

9. Burnt sheets are temporary. Life is forever.

10. The Punisher has nothing on this epitome of badassery.

11. Some horror director is already making a movie on this.

12. What an obedient little child.

13. A good way to show the example of Schrodinger’s cat.

14. Calmness is the key.

15. No witness = no crime.

16. That’s some serial-killer stuff right there.

17. We’ve a time-traveler over here.

18. Merlin’s beard!

It’s surprising that all these people have survived childhood. That said, what are some of the craziest things you’ve done as a kid? Please let us know. We’re not going to silently judge you, mother promise!

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