Couple Keeps Exchanging Sleeping Positions On A Regular Basis & The Internet Can’t Handle It

It’s a fact that sleeping is an important aspect of our life. Because, scientifically speaking, it improves our brain’s capability to adapt, increases our immunity and plays an important role in metabolism. And non-scientifically speaking, because it allows us to explore fantastical new places and avoid the problems of the real world for a few hours.

However, in order to achieve that level of temporary comatose, most of us need to check a few boxes. For example, the lights should be off, the monsters in the closet should be dead, and our sleeping area should be left undisturbed. But there are some rare specimens who can just go to sleep anywhere and everywhere.

Everyone prefers a certain side of the bed to sleep on. It could be the left or the right or smack in the middle. But Twitter user @steveohrourke said that he and his partner, Amy, don’t have such preferences.

Netizens were understandably shocked by Steve and his partner’s behaviour, and they expressed that shock hilariously.

The thing is, it’s just not about sleeping on the favourite side of the bed. It’s also about arranging the decor according to where you sleep so that you’ve everything you need near you. But Steve here says that they keep changing that up as well “every single night”. And that just sounds exhausting. What are your thoughts on this sleep-based debate? Let us know in the comments.

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