14 Indian Mentalities That Need To Change For A Bright Future


Indian mentality still manages to lag behind compared to the century we’re living in. We live in a modern world that is progressing every minute in every possible way. However, people still have some rigid views and ways of doing things, which is hampering the growth of our generation and country, in return.

Here are some things that people shouldn’t do

1. Judging people based on their religion and caste

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 It’s about how the individual is and not about what his origin is.


2. Interfering in someone else’s matter

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 Ever heard of, “Live and let live”?


3. Not choosing a subject of your choice just because you scored above average percentage

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Do you even know what you’re good at? Why waste all those college years just to figure out later that this was not what you wanted to do?


4. Assuming that every girl and guy walking together are having an affair

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 They can be siblings, friends, cousins anything!


5. Calling a person gay simply coz his/her choices don’t fit the stereotypical views we have about girls and boys

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 It is perfectly normal for a guy to like the color pink, and for a girl to keep her hair short!


6. Making fun of gays, passing comments on them and looking at them like they are aliens

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 Stop doing that. It’s not funny!


7. Belittling the jobs of maids, watchmen, toilet cleaners, laundrymen etc.,

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Your life won’t be easy without them. All (wo)men are equal and people just do the jobs they are best at.


8. Not accepting and adapting the changing times

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 Stop defeating the purpose of you as a human. You and your thoughts are supposed to evolve with time.


9. Check the guy’s paycheck or seek dowry from girls

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Let’s take money out of marriages.


10. Stopping people or discouraging them from following their dreams

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 If you didn’t have the guts to do it, then so be it. Don’t stop others.


11. Running the rat race, and getting comfortable in your not-so-comforting seat

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 Do you want to be a rat or the lion in your life?


12. Agreeing and accepting a decision, because the majority of people you know are doing it

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 What about your say and views? Start thinking for yourself.


13. Assuming that a person who smokes and drinks is bad in nature, and the one who is religious is the purest

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 These things shouldn’t define how the person’s nature is.


14. Being okay with all the wrongs and simply moving on with life

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 How can all the wrongs boil down to “It’s okay, happens.”? Where is the freedom of speech and expression gone?

“Everything happens for a reason”, is no reason not to ask myself if I am living it right? – John Mayer

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