15 Funny Music Quotes That Every Music Fanatic Will Relate To On All The Levels!

We are all big fans of music, right? Granted that all our tastes might differ. Some enjoy the effortless rap melody weaved by Eminem, some love the meditative sounds of heavy metal by Metallica, some find solace in the soulful punk rock by Linkin Park and a few others revel in blowing their brains out onto something called EDM.

Here are 15 quotes by music lovers, for music lovers, that all of us will surely relate to:

1. Because I’ve got some rad speakers, bro!


2. Excellent word-play don’t you think?


3. Gravely incomplete, isn’t it?


4. Oh, I can totally imagine the discomfort in the room!


5. Fuck you, Radio!


6. That’s when you really think about the lyrics. 😛


7. *Cue intense music* Yeah, something amazing’s about to happen!


8. Turn up the volume!


9. Wouldn’t that be an epic meetup? 😉


10. Thank you very much, my dearly beloved headphones.


11. Oh, I completely agree!


12. And I love to sing. So I will sing. Loudly!


13. Admit it, everyone’s done that at some point.


14. I genuinely liked Justin Beiber’s ‘Baby’ when it first came out.


15. Wow, that’s deep!

We music lovers listen to innumerable artists singing songs from an array of genres. Some of us don’t agree with each other’s taste of song or artist and defend our personal tastes with our lives. However, certain aspects of music connect with us all. Let’s revel in that realisation!

Poster Courtesy: Sachin Kaushik

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