This Mum’s Epic Reply To Her Daughter Failing Her Math Exam Sets Serious Parenting Goals

If you’ve lived in a conventional Indian household all your life, you would agree that almost every scolding, whack or slap that you’ve got has always had something to do with academics. Either you haven’t been studying to obtain the desired result or you haven’t received the desired result. Today we’ve got blog posts, videos, and all of the internet telling us how insignificant these ‘marks’ are. However, till date, many parents continue to hound their kids over these marks.

Well, not this mum.

Hannah daringly informed her mum that she had failed her maths exam. Let that sink in. She informed her parent that she FAILED an examination! 

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Most of us would come to terms with our failure and expect at least a scolding.


Hannah probably expected the same but her mum’s response actually set the bar for ideal parenting.

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As soon as Hannah uploaded her mum’s response online, Twitterati were instant fans!

1. I feel you, Keanna.


2. Every Indian mum ever. 😛


3. Seems to be the consensus.


4. Unbelievable, I know.


5. So would I Connor, so would we all.

I’m going to save this response. So maybe 25 years down the line when my kid comes to me with terrible grades, I’ll know exactly what to say.

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