Here’s Why Sweden Is The Perfect Place To Settle Abroad (In Case You Are Planning)

Sweden is the third largest country in Europe, with a population of just 10 million – that is less than the population of the city of Mumbai.

It is not crowded, it is scientifically advanced, has beautiful outdoors and has one of the most honest working governments in the world.

It is also very cold, since it is situated in north Europe.

But that does not take away any of the reasons why you should move there instead of the hackneyed choice of the USA or UK.

1. 89% of Swedes speak English.

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Although Swedish was declared the official language in 2009, most of the Swedes speak English. That means you do not have to learn a new language to move there – unlike say, Germany or France.


2. Sweden pays its students $187(12,472 rupees) per month to attend high school

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Education is subsidized, and the state actually pays you for child support so that their education can go on without worry or financial troubles.


3. Sweden has its own phone number. You can call on it and get connected to a random Swede and talk about anything!

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Sweden did this in honor of the abolishment of censorship laws.


4. Swedish blood donors receive a thank you card when they donate blood

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And later, when their blood is used to help someone, they get a text, letting them know that they did good.



5. It has generated zero waste and generates a lot of energy through waste. It is set to become the first country to phase out petrol completely

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Almost all its waste is used to heat homes and generate biofuel and the same biofuel is used to power the garbage trucks that pick up waste!

Recently Sweden ran out of waste to power homes, and started importing garbage from neighboring countries.


6. If you become the citizen of Sweden, you get visa-free travel to more countries than any other passport

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That is how respected Swedish nationals are, around the world.


7. You are entitled to 16 months of PAID leave if you have to even adopt a child

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That is paid leave, and not just a sabbatical. Sweden believes that a child has to be reared by both its parents to have a healthy childhood.

And after that? Even child support is subsidized.


8. Sweden has the highest rate of income equality.

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There are no super rich or super poor. Almost everyone is upper middle class.


9. Sweden has the highest rate of working mothers. Women can be expected to work with an equal status, rather than fight for it

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It is the most advanced country and most friendly country for women in the whole world.


10. Sweden’s OFFICIAL TWITTER ACCOUNT is given to a RANDOM CITIZEN every month to manage

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Because they really believe in the freedom of speech.

And they also believe that all their citizens are not psychopaths and Internet trolls.


11. Tuition is free for all university degrees

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Also, Sweden has the highest rate of student enrollment in universities in Europe, with students’ average age being 24.5.

They really put an emphasis on education.


12. The Right To Public Access – the greatest right in the world

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The right to public access states that you are free to move anywhere in the beautiful outdoors of Sweden. Even if the beauty is on a private property.

Provided that you enjoy the beauty of the nature responsibly. Freedom comes with responsibility.


13. Swedes also remove their shoes before entering private residences – just like in India!

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14. You can drink water off any tap in the whole of Sweden – it is that clean.

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Also, the streams that run in nature is also pure and clean and potable.


15. Swedes take 4-6 weeks of holiday in the month of July

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That’s almost a month of holidays. It is not strange to find shops and restaurants shut during this month.


16. There is no celebrity culture. People let other people just be. Privacy is valued. No one pries into your time or space

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No paparazzi. No touristy bubbliness. Everyone has their space and time, and everyone is expected to respect this space.


17. The elderly in Sweden have the right to receive care in their own homes. They will not be kicked out of their houses and put into nursing homes.

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Sweden believes that you should get care in your own homes, even if you are old. Just because you are old, you are not banished to special retreats and homes. The state will send a certified person to take care of you.


18. The average Swede works only 1644 hours every year. That translates to a maximum of 6 hours of work every day.

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And still they are one of the most productive and competitive workforce in the world.


19. Everything is done on time. If you are not in the meeting, the meeting will start without you.

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The Swedes are as punctual as the Japanese. The trains do not stop for anyone, nor do meetings or functions. If you are late, you missed it, and no one misses you.

Looks like they really live by their proverb –

Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; love more, and all good things will be yours.

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All information taken from their excellent state-sponsored website

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